Week 1

1. Internet History and current set-up
2. Internet Servers and Clients
3. Internet - Hardware

Week 2

4. Data Transmission Protocol TCP/IP
5. Domain Names URLs and DNS
6. File Transfers Http and Ftp

Week 3
7. Web Standards & Browsers
8. Introduction to Mark-up Languages - Syntax & Validation

Week 4

10. Tables & Formatting
11. Lists, Images & Background
12. Forms

Week 5

13. Frames
14. Navigation Linking and Urls
15. Fonts, Layouts and Styles

Week 6

16. Test # 1
17. Cascaded Style Sheets (CSS)
18. Cascaded Style Sheets (CSS)

Week 7

19. Client-side Image Maps
20. Controlling Web Page Appearance
21. Visual Effects

Week 8

22. JavaScript Lexical structure and statements
23. The Document Object Model (DOM)
24. JavaScript & Objects

Week 9

25. JavaScript Objects Windows & Frames
26. JavaScript Objects - Browser, Form, Math & String Objects
27. JavaScript - Events and Event Handling

Week 10

28. JavaScript Creating User Interactions
29. Test # 2
30. Graphics and Design

Week 11

31. Creating Custom Graphics
32. Analyzing Web Site Performances
33. Analyzing Web Site Performances

Week 12

34. Telnet, Newsgroups and IRCs
35. Security Worms and Viruses
36. Cookies

Week 13

37. Search Engines
38. Streaming Medias
39. Mail SMTP, POP3 and IMAP